
Thursday 20 December 2018

DAY 4: More than Meets the Eye

  1. How did you get up mount Everest? 
  2.  How long did it take to climb up the mountain?
  3. What else was your big dream other then climbing up a mountain?
Today I have to list 3 questions that i would like to ask Sir Edmund Hillary. My 3 questions are right above my blurb that i would like to ask about his life.


  1. Hello Charlize, my name is Billy and I am from the Summer Learning Journey programme. I'm glad to see that you have already begun completing and posting activities. Well done!

    Thanks for crafting three different questions that you would ask Sir Ed in an interview. I really like your third question, I feel that it would encourage and prompt Sir Ed to open up and share some interesting information about his other passions and aspirations.

    For this activity you are required to write five questions to ask Sir Ed. Are you able to respond to this comment and share two further questions? That way I can award you full points for this activity.

    Keep it up!

  2. Hello Charlize! Great Job on the activities for the SLJ. I really enjoyed reading your interesting questions for Sir Edmund Hillary. I especially liked the idea of the third one, I'd be interested in hearing his answer for that. If you could meet Hillary before he passed, what would you caption a photo if you took one with him? Keep it up!

  3. Hi Charlize!,
    Good work on completing this activity. Your questions to ask Sir Edmund Hilary are interesting. The third question is really interesting which I like. What would be your first words to tell Sir Edmund Hilary?
    Keep Up Te Great Work!!

  4. Hi Charlize,
    My name is Charlee and I went to Christ the king school. I think you have done so well in this blog post. I would've ask Sir Edmund Hillary the same 3 Questions. What would your face be like if you saw Sir Edmund Hillary?
    Blog you later

  5. Hello Charlize,

    Congratulations for completing this task. Thanks for sharing your learning about this great activity. I did this activity too. Did you enjoy doing this task? Why? The questions that you've stated to ask Sir Edmund Hillary is great. The images look great. I love the question What else was your big dream other then climbing up a mountain?


  6. Hello Charlize,

    My name is Araura and I am from Wesley Primary School.

    First of all Congratulations for completing this task. I really love your 3 question. it would have great if you could have completed the full task by adding 2 more facts.

    Anyways keep up the good work.

    Blog you later Bye 😀

  7. Greetings Charlize!
    I have decided to comment on your blog again! You have being blogging lately and you are doing a great job what is your goal for blogging? I have finished the summer learning journey activities and now on commenting.

    Keep it up Charlize!
    By Chavda
