
Friday, 10 January 2020

Wise Words / W2 / SLJ

This year 2019 / 2020 our summer learning journey topic is change makers. Today i got asked to identify someone in our life that has been a role model to us. I have chosen my teachers Mr Wong and Ogilvie. My teachers feed back was to never let an opportunity pass you by. Always grasp what comes your way with both hands. It may never come around again and then you'll never know what might have been. Its not always about succeeding it's more about trying.  Also to See and experience as much of the world (not just NZ) as you can while you're young. Meet as many people from around the world and learn their different perspectives as you can. You, your whanau, your teina, and mokopuna will benefit from the wisdom you gain.


  1. Hi Charlize!,
    What a great quote/advice Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie have given. I have enjoyed reading your teachers words of wisdom and is definitely useful for the future. It's great to have teachers as your role model. What's your words of wisdom?

    Nice Work!

  2. Hello Charlize,
    I am back on your blog to see some of the fantastic blog posts you have created. What wonderful words of wisdom. I am sure these words of wisdom will help you in the future. I really like how you told us what the activity told you to do instead of just straight getting into the activity. In my opinion I 100% agree that you should take every opportunity you have. You have one life only so you might as well make the most of it. Maybe next time you could add a little backstory of the activity. Overall, this is a phenomenal blog post! Keep up the astonishing work!


  3. Mōrena Charlize,

    Wow, what a beautiful message about your role models! Your teachers sound fantastic and creative :)

    I agree, opportunities are so important and we need to embrace them in the moment. I also like what you said about concentrating more on trying and the effort than the actual destination of succeeding. Sometimes we can't complete and succeed at everything, and that is OK. It's about the journey and constantly growing! :)

    What do you think is the most important wise words to you? What piece of advice would you give to someone?

    Nga mihi

  4. Hi Charlize!
    This activity you did was great. Remember to re read your text as it might not make sense. What was the hardest part of this activity?
    Blog you later!
    ~ Florence

  5. Kia Ora Charlize! This is honestly great advice from your teacher, and would be the best motivation for growth in school. I like that you've actually learnt something and taken away from being in their class, because that's really does matter. I enjoyed reading your paragraph about opportunity, and experience. Always believe in yourself Charlize, great job!
