
Friday, 27 September 2019

Kahoot | History of rugby

LI: apply inquiry, literacy and numeracy skills to learn about the RWC.
In this extra literacy task we could either pick to make a kahoot or an animation based around the rugby world cup and rugby history. e.g Where would the next rugby world cup be held? It was an option to use a true or false question or/and multiple answers on a kahoot. Unfortunately we couldn't make it public because we are students so we just took a screenshot them. 

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Kiwi Sport | Swimming

This week for swimming we wore life jackets to help us float in the water, And how it will feel when we are wearing one in the water. We Learnt the help acronym which means heat, escape, lessening and position. We first had to swim back and forth. Then made a chain by holding one another shoulder opener. The person at the end had to direct us and the rest had to kick to make us move.

Next we got into small groups and we had to huddle each other this helps us keep warm. If someone is drowning its easier to keep them in the middle. We also had to dive underwater with our jackets on. It was challenging because life jackets mostly keep you up. 

Time past and future

 LI: apply inquiry, literacy and numeracy skills to learn about the RWC.

 In this extra math RWC tasks we have been researching and finding information about the Time,
Past & Future for RWC. We had to answer different questions about the time,past & future. e.g When
will the 11th RWC will be held? and how old we would be when it is held? Each rugby world cup happens
fouryears after each other. We used a pencil and paper to calculate when they were going to happen.    

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Rugby events | RWC

LI: apply inquiry, literacy and numeracy skills to learn about the RWC.

In this literacy task we had to use our literacy and researching skills and find information about the rugby event and write what happened on the day, the date of when it happened and what kind of event it was. The three year events that we used were from 2011, 2015, and 2019 and we found videos about what happened in the event. Click the pictures to enter the videos of the Rugby world cup.  

RWC | Match making

LI: To apply Inquiry, Literacy, and numeracy skills to learn about the RWC. 
This week we have been combining all of numeracy and literacy skills to complete multiple tasks about the RWC this year. For this literacy task we had to match a player in the rugby world cup to a position that they play. We had to add pictures to show the players and some facts about the players.  e.g Richie Mcaw played as a flanker in the All Blacks and also was the first ever All Black to reach 100 caps. 

Rube Goldberg machines | Inquiry

LI: To make a working rube Goldberg machine by using the 6 simple machines.
Over the past weeks, in groups LS1 had to make a Rube Golderg machine, We used the 6 simple machines. Wheel and axle, Lever, Incline plane, Pulley, Screw & wedge had to be included. The challenges were turning a Chromebook on, helping Mr Wong roll dice and hitting a putter. Our scenario was turning on the Chromebook.

On the last week our group had managed to get the machine finish. We used four different types of simple machines a wheel and axle, pulley, incline plane and a lever. For the wheel and axle we used a car. For the Pulley we used a string from a yo-yo and latches from the window. For the incline plane we used a marble roll down a ramp. And used the dominoes as the lever. 

The most challenging task was creating the machines and trying to apply the 6 simple machines and communicating with our group to know what is going on and how we could help. I'd change another way of putting dominoes up without it falling because we always had to keep putting it up. And the amount of sellotape we used.   

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

places to visit in Japan

LI: To apply Inquiry, Literacy, and numeracy skills to learn about the RWC.
This week we are applying our knowledge about the rugby world cup 2019 games. On this task we used our research skills and we found out places in japan facts and why we would what to visit. On this slide the places are Osaka (Famous for being surrounded by lots of fruit trees), Mt Fuji (Famous for having lots of blossom trees everywhere), 

Sapporo (Has enormous ice sculptures). Kyoto (Has restaurants placed on top of streams) & Tokyo (Fabulous art). 

Monday, 23 September 2019

World Time

LI: To apply Inquiry, Literacy, and numeracy skills to learn about the RWC.

This week we are applying our knowledge about the rugby world cup 2019 games. On this task we used our research skills and we found out what all the time zones where from the 8  different countries we used. If the countries where big we would have to find the time for the eastern standard time or the western standard time. 

Friday, 20 September 2019

Faulty Reasoning

LI: to understand faulty reasoning.

This week we were doing faulty reasoning. There are four different types of faulty reasoning, Illogical / simplified Assumption, Circular Reasoning, Over-generalization, Biased Argument and Contradiction. Illogical / simplified Assumption is providing evidence that does not directly support the claim (Hint: There are probably other influences / factors), Circular Reasoning is Supporting a claim with the same claim Hint: Look for synonyms!), Over-Generalization is Making a global statement when there are likely exceptions. (Hint: everybody, nobody, always), Biased Argument is Making a claim that is influenced by your own personal feelings or experience and Contradiction is Providing evidence that goes against the original argument.

Basic Facts boxes

This week I have completed the speed demon up to 20. It took me 4 minutes and 23 seconds And completed it. I could have gotten a few wrong but it tells me that I should have read the questions properly and to keep practising. And keep moving up. 


This week I have comment on Lukah's blog post about his " Maths / Art" In a blog post you first start with a greeting, Connection, question and a fare well. His blog post and blurb was interesting when he told us about his measurements. 

Kiwi sport | Swimming

The week for swimming we first started of with our safe entry. We we got into the pool we first went through learning how to float on our back if we couldn't  to that then we would have to use the board. Then we practise our stream lines starting with our hands up high and behind our ears then do little kicks in the water. 

Next we all got a board each and made waves like as we swim in the ocean with big waves and in a current. Everybody go a turn each. 

SSR Selfie

This week I have read the book "Get into gear, Stilton!" This book was really interesting and had lots of humour in it was also funny. To complete this task you would need to read a book and have a good understanding about it. Then you summarise this book with answering a bunch of questions. . 


LI: To create an advert using knowledge and skills we have learnt.

This week for writing we had to make an ad. Our product that we had to advertise was a thneed from the Lorax. We used our knowledge of what other advertisments have and applied them on ours. We had to make this advertisment in a group. In my group there was Bella, Farzana, Alayah & Angelica. We chose to use rhymes for the advertisment because Dr. Suess makes rhymes.

Geometric landscape | Art

I have finally finished my geometric landscape. This kind of art is made out of cornered shapes. The space I used on the wall was 20 x 27.7 and on the paper. I used triangles as the mountains and I also used warm colours, cold colours, dark colours and Green.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Kiwi Can | Resilience

LI: To cope with challenges and bouncing back.
We learnt how to face our challenges and experience / attempt them. We looked at 3 different types of challenges and wrote about our feelings when we face those challenges . We figured out coping strategies in groups of three.

Friday, 13 September 2019

Basic Fact boxes

This week i have completed the speed demon up to 10. It took me 3 minutes and 34 seconds And completed it. I could have gotten a few wrong but it tells me that I should have read the questions properly and to keep practising.

SSR Selfie

LI: to summarise and retail a text.
This week I read the book "The American and the Pacific" . Its a book with lots of interesting facts about History. On the slide I had to answer a bunch of questions. I have enjoyed ready this book.


This week I have comment on Liletina blog post about her reading (Advertising). She talked about what she did in reading. In a commenting their should be a greeting, connection, question and farewell. 

Art | Maths | WIP | Geometric Landscape

This week we are now working on our art. I have a WIP (Work in progress) geometric art. I first measured the paper and chose the warm and cold colours. The reason why i chose the geometric art is because its made up out of shapes. My width was 25.7cm and my height was 33cm. 


LI: To learn about television advertising.

This week for writing we were looking at different types of advertising. We had to find 3 celebrities from New Zealand and wrote what the advertise. The famous people i found was Stan walker, Julian Dennison and Jacinda Ardern. Then we looked at another ad about teenagers choosing the right car. We had to answer 5 different questions.  

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Synthesis | Flipgrid

Link to flipgrid - Video 

LI: To identity the main ideas in a text. 
This week we have a new piece of persuasive writing. mine is about painful movement. And kids always getting injured from paying after school sports.After the synthesis we did the QAR question and answered a bunch of questions. Then finally made a speech if we agree or don't about the writing.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Kiwi Can | Resilience

LI: To deal with challenges.
To deal with challenges it's easier to keep going so then it will be easier in the future. Our topic is dealing with challenges and our theme is resilience. Another way to deal with challenges is to take a brake and going back to it. Our first game was called bus stop. We had to explain the photos.

Monday, 9 September 2019

Duffy show | Jamie wall

On Monday Panmure bridge was lucky enough to have Jamie Wall come to our school to talk about his amazing job he does. He is an author that writes about sports mainly for New Zealand. He even wrote his own book named "brothers in black" He had travel 12 countries to watch the All Blacks play their games. He writes reports for Maori tv, radio NZ, new hub & stuff. He writes about All blacks, Warriors, UFC boxing, cricket, super rugby, fifa world cup.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Basic Facts Boxes.

L.I To remember my basic facts boxes.
For my basic facts boxes we had 6 minutes and 20 seconds I got none wrong which makes me proud of myself because I get to move up to speed demon up to 20.


This week I have commented on Liletina's blog post about her Maths. To be able to write a comment it should include a greeting, connection, question and a farewell. 

SSR Selfie

LI: to summarise and retail a text.
This week i read the book ancient mysteries. Its a book with lots of interesting facts about mysteries. On the slide i had to answer a bunch of questions.  I have enjoyed ready this book.

Maths | Area & Perimeter

LI: To measure length and calculate perimeter and area. 
This week for maths we are now working on our art. We are also learning how to  calculate area, perimeter, width and length. This week for art I am doing geometric landscape I used the triangle shape for my sketch. 

Screw | Simple machine

A screw is a simple machine that is made out of a wheel axle and a handle. Its made to raise water to the top from the bottom. We had to fill out the DLO definition, a bunch of question. We made our own screw and tested it with a bucket of water and succeed. 

Advertising | Slogans | Food hacks

LI: To learn about persuasive tools and advertising.
This week we were looking at more advertisements and slogans. We first looked at characters and people found in the most effective adds on cereal boxes. Then as working as a group of four we wrote down a bunch of examples of people and what they advertise. And our point of views.

Then as a group again we had to write down slogans from each categorise on the slide. Last we had to make up a slogan to advertise the school or anything to do with the school.

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Synthesis | QAR | Flipgrid

Flipgrid - flipgrid video


This week we have a new piece of persuasive writing. My groups writing is about animal cruelty. And labs testing animals. For the prior knowledge we had to write down what we already know about this writing. After the synthesis we did the QAR question and answered a bunch of questions. Then finaly did the flipgrid.

Simple machine | Cybersmart | Lever

This week for cybersmart we have been working on print design rules. layout, Text, colour and composition. composition is all the element needed on a poster. Layout is pictures, text and title all align. Colour is colours that are appealing to the eyes and have no clashing colours. We had to use the print design rules to make a poster about either one of the 6 simple machine

Kiwi Can | Puzzle

LI: to complete challenges and understand what a challenge is.
This week for kiwi can our theme was resilience. Means coping with challenges and bouncing back. We were also learning what challenges means. Our catchphrase was " kiwi can says, when your dealing with challenges, don't go over it, don't go under it, just go through it, and do it. 

Our energiser was called commandments. The kiwi can leaders had commands that we had to do in a circle. The commandments where look up, look down, turn around, jump in, jump out. My challenge for this game is that we had to use our ears.