
Wednesday, 28 February 2018

kiwi can

Kiwi Can

To have positive relationship, use fair play and fairness .
learned about encouragement. Encouragement also means cheering them on
make them feel confident,make them welcome. We played a game called jump clap, Miss
Lily had to clap and when she does we have to jump there was two taggers who was Me and
Rj, then there was 2 more people left that did not got tag who was Zeppelin and Kaitlyn. then
for our other game we played was a animal game. We got into a circle and when Mr Mat  points
to us and says tiger or buffalo then we have to do the actions but it was practice round then
came the hard round.people that was sitting down was cheering
on for us.I learned by Following the instructions and listening to the person who is talking also cheering on for people and respect.

Friday, 23 February 2018

game on

LI: To make connections between the text and that world around us. today I had to do this activity i had to compere a book with the normale real olmpics i also had to attbute the image.


today for comminting i commet on Farzana blog post she did winter olmpics i have some  question for here to.

Winter Olympic

LI: To create a poster about the 2018 Winter Olympics. This week for inquiry we had to make a poster about the Winter Olympics. First we had to get into groups of 4 people. I was with Florence Angelica and Jayden. For the poster we had to include the distance from South Korea to New Zealand, the map of where the Winter Olympics is being held in, how many events there will be, the countries that are competing and how long it goes for. We had to make sure our text, our colour, our composition and our layout was good.

Thursday, 22 February 2018

SSR Selfie

Today i did SSR Selfie i hade to take a photo with my book and talk about it we can also commet on other peoples work too. It also shoud be detailed.

table conga

Today for can dos i played table conga I counted in 7-70 i could also claim a trophy we could move around but how to die is touching the X the numbers were spreeded out so then it was harder i am on level 7.


Today I blogged about how many blog post I did in 2017 augest was my highest blog post.we also hade to writte how you got August the most blog post.I did a graph of how many i did i put the title so people no what this is about and the lables too.

kiwi sport

today for kwi sport we lernt alot of new thing we also did soft ball we had to pick a partner my partner was Farzana we lernt howto throw catch and monkydile we have to throw under urm to we played 3 games and comation we hade a soft ball and how to catch is have your hands like a crocdile our chouch name was allison.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Kiwi can

Today at kiwi can we played humen bowling we got split into 2 games we named our group, group 1 and group 2  we can spred ourself out you cant move our leg if you do your out straig away if the ball touches you, you are out .we also lernt about postive relationship.


Today for cybersmart we attribute imge in attribute there are license the person page if you want to
and what that photo page it is on and who it was I picked E.T for my work.we also have to attibute the image because theperson will thing your just steling there work